Aluminum Trailers vs. Steel Trailers

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Things you should know about Aluminum Trailers & Steel Trailers

Materials of Aluminum & steel are two of the most common used in almost any modern object. And we’re not just … Continued

If you’re in the market for a new trailer you might’ve asked yourself the following question: which one is better, an aluminum semi trailer or a steel semi trailer? These materials can have a direct impact on durability, reliability and security, and it’s important to educate yourself on the many options so you’ll pick the best one for you, in your future trailer purchase.

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Aluminum Is Lighter Than Steel, and That Is a Big Deal for your logistic business.

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Aluminum is much more lighter than steel material’s trailer, which is a really important characteristic in a semi trailer. These are a few of the benefits of having a lighter trailer:

There is total weight request in some Africa countries, such as Tanzania. If you’re using aluminum trailers, it can help you transport more than 3~5 tons each time. For a long time consideration, each time weight you’re saving on trailer, it means more goods you transport each time, that’s profit each time!

Strength of Aluminum trailer & Steel trailer.

When it comes to aluminum vs steel strength question, there is this notion that the latter is structurally stronger than the former. This is largely attributed to the belief that when someone talks about objects that are made of aluminum, they are looking at 100% aluminum.

If this were the case, then there really is no point in making any comparison at all since 100% aluminum will be substantially weaker than steel.

But do you know? Aluminum Can Be as Strong as Steel!

When built right, aluminum can be as strong as or stronger than steel. At DTG Group Trailer, we have spent over 23 years perfecting our methods of building trailers. They have just the right thickness, design & welding to keep them running perfectly. We have also mastered the use of aluminum’s flexibility to make our semi trailers & pulling trailers even more durable.

Many aluminum semi trailers are made of aluminum alloy. A usual alloy has 96% aluminum, but is also combined with copper, titanium, chromium and zinc. However, there are literally hundreds of different aluminum alloys that are suitable for different purposes. Alloys are lighter, stronger & more rust resistant than steel trailer. The type of aluminum alloy semi trailer depends on the price & availability of the materials used to make the alloy.


In one word: aluminum alloy trailer is much more expensive than steel trailer.

Normally, the 1st thing a trailer buyers will consider when purchasing for a trailer is the trailer price. Typically, trailers that are fashioned out of aluminum are more expensive than steel trailer. As a matter of fact, you’d be hard-pressed to find two comparable trailers, one being aluminum, and one being steel, that don’t exhibit a major difference in price.


Aluminum trailer is better than Steel trailer.

Aluminum semi trailers require much less maintenance than steel semi trailers. This is because trailer-owners, particularly ones who operate in rough climates, must always fight against rust.

For this reason, aluminum tends to outlast steel, so aluminum trailer problems is less than steel trailer too.

Order Your DTG Group Custom Aluminum Trailer or Steel Trailer.

Don’t struggle with a heavy & easily-rusted steel trailer. Instead, choose DTG Group’s custom aluminum semi trailers. As soon as you start using yours, you’ll be glad you chose DTG Group trailer. You’ll be even happier when you see the impressive resale value. Place your order today.

If you have any Trailer request, welcome to contact us anytime.

For your transport / logistic needs, feel free to contact us using our phone number, email. For more information about DTG Group Trailer, please visit: Follow us on FacebookLinkedinYoutubeInstagram, or Pinterest.

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