Oil Trailer

Oil Trailer knowledge

7 Things you should know about Oil Trailer

If you are looking for a oil trailers for sale, then this is the 100% right place for you.

We, DTG Group Trailer is different crude oil trailer factory, oil trailers is one of our product. Mainly export to Africa market.

crude oil trailer

What is crude oil trailer ?

Oil trailer is a type of semi trailer equipped with a tanker to storage different oil / fuel / diesel / gasoline raw materials etc.

dtg group oil fuel tank semi trailer

Tanker oil trailer dimensions.

Below is the brief specification of oil tanker trailer for your reference only. It can change according to your special request.

Here is completely fuel tank oil semi-trailer buying guide to easy follow.

1#, What kind of oil you need to Transport?

You know? Different oil (fuel) have different chemical & physical situation that go a long way into decide the choice of oil trailer to make.

Diesel & Petrol. Oil trailers used in the transportation of petrol & diesel are usually made of Q345 carbon steel. A carbon steel oil trailer is a low-price construction, and it is easy to manufacture. You can also choose 304 stainless steel, or aluminum alloy oil trailers. However, the cost for them will be higher than Carbon steel, but many clients they love Aluminum alloy tanker trailer very much, even with high price.

Here is a picture to show carbon steel tanker oil trailer.

dtg group oil fuel tank semi trailer

Here is a picture to show stainless steel tanker oil trailer.

DTG Group trailer flatbed lowbed oil fuel cement pulling trailer

Here is a picture to show aluminum alloy tanker oil trailer.

dtg group oil fuel tank semi trailer

Edible Eating oil. This is normally in an aluminum alloy tank oil trailer, as it can avoid contaminating liquids. Aluminum alloy trailer tanker is also of big advantage when it comes to clean-out. Also, the oil tanker body is 100% encapsulated using insulation materials that help in minimizing the loss of heat. More over, it is a less heavy construction offering effective volume capabilities, unlike carbon steel trailer is much heavier.

crude oil trailer
crude oil trailer
2#, Cost Suitable Supplier.

First, you need to understand, oil cargo tank trailer not have bottom price in the market, you can always find a cheaper price. But you also need to know cheaper price, more manufacture cost, it means more bad quality. You might lose lots of money if you chose a bad quality oil trailer.

Here is a video to show you bad quality oil tanker trailer will be making you lost money.

You need to know: it is the oil trailer transport oil help you earn money, not the oil tanker trailer purchase price help you earn money. If you can feel this, then we believe you will have a happy ending.

crude oil trailer
crude oil trailer

Here is completely fuel tank oil semi-trailer buying guide to easy follow.

Below is the video to show our oil trailer manufacture testing during manufacture process.

3#, How to know they are a good or bad oil trailer factory?

Below is the video to show DTG Group export oil trailer video show. Trust us, you will never regret.

a, check they are professional or not, when you communicate with them about the specification and other tanker trailer information.

b, check they export lots of oil trailer to different countries or not?

Below is the video to show DTG Group export oil trailer video show. Trust us, you will never regret.

4#, How much is an oil trailer?

It depends on different specification. If using 3 axles type, the price can be 16,100USD ~ 40,000 USD.

5#, Do you have used oil trailers for sale?

Sorry, we only manufacture new crude oil tankers for sale, not have used (second-hand) type. If you need used type to buy (mostly want saving money), we suggestion you buy in your local logistic market.

crude oil trailer

6#, Do you have crude trailers for rent ?

Sorry, we are oil trailer manufacturers in China, we’re doing manufacture and sell. Not doing rental business. By the way, rental an oil tanker trailer is not cheap, specially you need using for a long time to doing oil transport business. Maybe the cost already can help you buy a new oil trailer from us already. It will 100% belong to you in the future, is it good or not?

crude oil trailer

7#, How many compartments it has for the oil trailer?

It depends on different client request. The more compartments, the more expensive price.

Below is different compartments picture show.

dtg group oil fuel tank semi trailer
dtg group oil fuel tank semi trailer
DTG Group trailer flatbed lowbed oil fuel cement pulling trailer

Order Your DTG Group Custom Oil Trailers.

As soon as you start using yours, you’ll be glad you chose DTG Group trailer. You’ll be even happier when you see the impressive resale value. Place your order today.

Also, welcome to check our Cement trailer article.
If you have any Trailer request, welcome to contact us anytime.
Happy Oil Logistic Business!
For your transport / logistic needs, feel free to contact us using our phone number, email. For more information about DTG Group Trailer, please visit: dreamtruegroup.com. Follow us on FacebookLinkedinYoutubeInstagram, or Pinterest.

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    dtg group flatbed semi trailer, container trailer



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